Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

contoh surat pribadi dalam bahasa inggris

Cianjur, Februari 26th 2013
Dear Rian, 
Hello my friend, How are you over there? I hope you and your family in good health, Amen. 
Good friends, before I apologize ya since you sent the last letter I had recently returned. Understandably, a minute examination. So I have to focus on learning. 
Oh yeah, how's friends there? I hope they are all in good health all. Yan, in June I was off school, I really want to see you and our friends the other. Say hello to another friend yes? I await further news from you.
Your Friend,

Cianjur, Februari 26th 2013 

Dear Alam,

Hello my friend, How are you over there? I hope you and your family in good health, Amen. 
Good friends, before I apologize ya since you sent the last letter I had recently returned. Understandably, a minute examination. So I have to focus on learning. 
Oh yeah, Alam, later this month I'm going home my uncle. So really able to stop by your house, long time since I've been your house. Allow Lam! heheheheh. 
Simply get here first word from me, do not forget to reply to the letter and I'm your new phone number for easy contact. Take care of your health is always there.

Your Friend,


Cianjur, Februari 26th 2013

Dear Ikhsan,

Hello, how are you? I hope you are fine and healthy is always yes! . I am here and healthy and fine.

Eh, San next month I want you to come over you?? Should not San? May need to know ...!. Caution, if not allowed! Do not be angry you know, San, I'm just kidding ... San, you still do not have a cat? What's the amount? Must have already added a lot ... They are cute and great-great.

San, just got here first so a letter from me. Do not forget to reply to ya ... I know in San.... Wait!

Your Friend,


Dear  Vina,

Hello An, How are you? I hope you and your family in good health, Amen.

Good friends, before I apologize ya since you sent the last letter I had recently returned. Understandably, a minute examination. So I have to focus on learning. 
Oh yeah, An, later this month I'm going home my uncle. So really able to stop by your house, long time since I've been your house. Allow An! heheheheh.

Simply get here first word from me, do not forget to reply to the letter and I'm your new phone number for easy contact. Take care of your health is always there.

Your Friend,


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