Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

contoh proposal bahasa inggris


P R O P  O S A L


Oleh :

          Name                              : FIATRI NOVITA
Student  Reg. No.          : 11032830
Study Program              : English Education
Department                     : Arts and Languages Education      


( S T K I P )
2 0 1 3

CHAPTER I   :  INTRODUCTION                                                       
                           A.     The Background of the study………………..…           1
                           B.     The Identification of the Study…………………                  5         
                           C.     The Limitation of the Study……………………           5
                           D.     The Formulation of The Problem ……………… 6
                           E.      The Objective of the Study…………………..…                  6
                           F.      The Significance of The Study ………………...           6
CHAPTER II  :  Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework
                           and Hypothesis………………………………………..                  7
                           A.     Theoretical Framework …………………………          7
                                    1. Speaking………………………………………         7
                                    2. Teaching Speaking……………….………….            7
                                    3. Definition of Speaking Skill..………………..           8
                                    4. The Role of the Teacher in Teaching Speaking..      10
                                    5. The Importance of Speaking..…….………….         12
                                    6. Models of Teaching Speaking…….………….        13
                                    7. Role Play Method..……………….………….         15
                           B      .           Conceptual Framework …………………………      21
                           C.     Hypothesis ………………………………………       22
                           A.        Time and Location……………………………         23
                           B.        Research Design……………………………            23
                           C.        Population and Sample………………………          23
                           D.        Variable of the Study…………….. ..……….          24
                           E.         The instrument for Collecting Data ..……….           24
                           F.         The Technique for Analyzing the Data………          25

REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….  26


A. The Background of the Study
There are ways of communicating language. One of the ways is speaking . It is the way that a language communicated. speaking, indeed, is not the most determining way whether a communication goes as it is expected or not. People can also write to communicate the language. But most people speak, they speak everyday. Therefore, the writer limits his study by carrying out a research on speaking , especially English speaking for real-life use.
English speaking is very important to be mastered since it is worldwide used, in other words it is the language which is internationally used. As part of the international community, it is necessary to master English speaking for it plays important roles in the coming era where everything is going to be globalized. When someone is in Japan, for example (or in any other countries whose mother tongue is not English), and he does not speak Japanese, he can communicate with English to interact with people there. That is why English is needed to be learnt.
People tend to assume that the successfulness of mastering foreign language is by communicating the language, in other words by speaking it out. Littlewood believes that there is nothing new, of course, about the basic idea that communicative ability is the goal of foreign language learning. Students of language learning supposed to be able of communicating the language. Those students of foreign language learning should be able to implement the knowledge (theory) of language into its real performance. For then their learning is successful.
In the contrary from what it is expected, today lots of foreign language (English) learners “failed” in mastering English as a means of communication. What is emphasized in this study is the students’ failure to communicate the language they learn speaking in real-life conversation. That was what the writer saw when he was conducting his pre-observation to students of the ninth year at SMP Swasta Al Hidayah Bukit Sari . He found that the students were great at answering some extracted questions, but when they had to use English in speaking, they found themselves difficult to do so. Their organization of structure was not good. Both their performance and motivation of speaking were not satisfying. It is strengthen by the fact the writer found from the interview with some students. The writer asked them about the quality of their English speaking , whether they have got adequate ability of speaking or not. They had same answers although they uttered them in different languages. They said that their English speaking was not yet good. It indicates the existence of problem in students’ speaking ability.
From the interview with some students, the writer found various answers to the questions. However, for some focal questions, their answers are pretty much similar. They think that English plays important roles. Although the roles of English for each student are sometimes personal for them. They told the writer what English is for them. The first student thinks that English is a foreign language which should be learnt for communicating. The second student thinks that English is very important for its role as an international means of communication. The third student thinks that English will be very useful for her future; He also thinks that when one masters English he or she will be a ‘cool’ person. He believes that mastering English makes his gain more confidence. The fourth student has more or less similar opinion with  the third student about the way he sees English. And just like his friends, the fifth student also thinks that English is important for he wants to be a tour guide. So, they are in one voice stating that English is important.
Yet, they have different interest in learning and practicing language abilitys. Some like speaking or listening, but some others do not think the same way. Since the writer focuses his interest in speaking ability, he asked them few questions about speaking . How they see English and their performance in speaking out the language so far. The answers are various.
From the interview, the writer can draw a conclusion that there are some points (answers) which are more or less similar. The points are as follows:        (1) they are having the same opinion that they have not yet had an ‘adequate’ ability in speaking , however, they want to learn and practice more to improve their speaking ability, (2) they have problems (in speaking ) if they have to write, and (3) they way ‘speaking ’ taught in classroom (according to them in an undirected language) still needs improvement.
In other words students have difficulties in using the language in real. The writer also directly asked the classroom teacher whether speaking is a real problem in his classroom activity.  It was proved when they had to present a story to be written  in their own words. From the close-look the writer had conducted, he saw that there were only few of the students presented it well, most of them did not meet the “requirements” (correct vocabulary, good pronunciation, firm manner.
From student point of view, the cause is related to their language performance, psychological performance, and motivation. Students have no adequate knowledge in presenting language in oral way, in other words they are lack of vocabulary. Students’ low motivation and low awareness of how important of mastering speaking abilitys, and self-esteem has become the indicators which can be seen clearly. The students tend to make some excuses to avoid speaking .
From the description above, the writer assumes that there should be an appropriate method (or technique) in teaching speaking to overcome such problems. A method (or technique) which will accommodate the improvement of students’ speaking ability. From six students the writer had interviewed, all of them were in one voice that speaking English communicatively is still a problem for them, but it is the ability that they mostly want to master. They believe that speaking English is very important, especially for their future. But their learning today has not promote learning good speaking . In dealing with such problem, the writer is eager to give a try in overcoming the problem in English speaking by conducting an action research wich attempts to improve students speaking ability through small-group discussion technique. The writer believes that small-group discusion is a good technique in managing classroom activity especially in conducting speaking activity. Wallwork  says that small-group discussion provides a psychologically safe situation in which to master the material, and encourage the students to contribute to class activity. For then it is said that small-group discussion is a friendly technique. It is also a technique which gives students opportunity to speak the language creatively in communicative way and unburdened situation.

B.       The Identification of the Study
   The problem of the study are formulated as follows :
      a.   Indonesian Junior High School students’ ability in speaking is regarded low.
b.      Indonesian Junior High School generally perform low ability in speaking ability.
c.       English is required as only one of the subjects in the curriculum with limited time allocated for its instruction.
d.      The linguistic differences, the socio-cultural differences, the curriculum, the lack of materials such as textbooks and teaching materials, lack of sufficiently qualified teachers, students’ interest and attitude, educational facilities, learning environment and so on should be given more attention in order get better results in the teaching and learning of English.
e.       The students are indicated to be unable to read a text effectively and efficiently.
f.       The study also indicates that the factors of failure in learning speaking ability is that the materials and the teaching strategies do not motivate students.
g.      Some speaking materials are not appropriate for the learners so that the texts very difficult to be read.

C.        The Limitation of the Study
           The present study tries to investigate the effect of  role play method in learning speaking ability. The method focuses on the role play method in which the learners’ in learning speaking ability and the which it relates to the teaching strategies and material selection.

D.        The Formulation of the Problem
            The formulation Of The Problems Are Formulated As Follow “Are There Effect Of Role Play Method On The Students’ Speaking Mastery Of The  2013/2014 Eight Year Students Of   Smp Swasta Al Hidayah Bukit Sari Kec. Padang Tualang?

E.        The Objectives of the Study

The present study is intended to find out the effects of using role play method on the ninth year students of SMP Swasta Al Hidayah Bukit Sari  on speaking ability.

F.         The Significance of the Study
            This study is considered important for students as the information for those who want to know more about the effect of Role play method on speaking ability. As everybody knows that speaking ability is one of the integrated abilitys that students must master if they want to master about a language especially English. Thus the outcomes of this study would be very useful to help students and teachers in teaching and studying process.






A.    Theoretical Framework

1.   Definition of Speaking Skill
In Webster New World Dictionary, speaking is to utter words orally, talk; to communicate as by talking; to make a request; to make a speech.[1] Skill is ability to do something well.[2]
Speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as much as literary skills, in both first and second language. To most people, mastering the speaking skill is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language.[3]
Speaking is so much a part of daily life that people take it for granted. The average person produces tens of thousands of words a day, although some peoples, like auctioneers or politicians-may produce even more than that. So natural and integral is speaking that people forget how they once struggled to achieve this ability-until, that is, they have to learn how to do it all over again in a foreign language.[4]
Speaking in a second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the four skills. When attempting to speak, learners must muster their thoughts and encode those ideas in the vocabulary and syntactic structures of the target language.
Depending on the formality and importance of the speech situation (and their own personal linguistic propensities), the learners may also attempt to monitor their output. In conversations and other interactive speech events, the speakers must attend to the feedback from their interlocutors and observe the rules of discourse used in the target culture. Phonological considerations add to the difficulty of the task, especially for adult learners, as speakers strive to achieve good pronunciation. The speed of such interaction is also an issue because there may not be adequate time for processing either outgoing speech or incoming messages at the typical rate of native-speaker interaction. All of these factors combine to make speaking in a second or foreign language a formidable task for language learners. Yet for many people, speaking is seen as the central skill. The desire to communicate with others, often face to face and in real time, drives people to attempt to speak fluently and correctly. There is a dynamic tension caused by the competing needs for fluency and accuracy during natural speech.[5]
People can define speaking as the way to carry out our feeling through words, conversation with other. Speaking also used to communicate as by talking, to make a request, to make a speech. It means that they always use it in their life, because without speaking they will be a dumb and never know everybody􀂶s means.

2.   Teaching Speaking
Teaching and learning process of English in Junior High School is based on the school based curriculum. The latest approach stressed that the language is acquired through communication. The basic language assumptions are:
a.   Language as a means of communication is used to express meaning grammatically.
b.   Learning a foreign language is how to communicate using that language itself as a target language, written or orally. They are supported by the elements of the target language.
Speaking is an interactive task and it happens under real time processing constraints. It means that they will be able to use words and phrases fluently without very much conscious thought. Effective speakers need to be able to process language in their own heads and put it into coherent order so that it comes out in forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that are intended.[6]
One of the reasons for including speaking activities in language lessons is to help students familiar with oral use of language in English conversation. Speaking activities provide exercise opportunities in real life speaking in the safety classroom.

3.   The Roles of the Teacher in Speaking Class
Speaking is a means to communicate with other people; it can be done in monologues or dialogues. So the role of speaking in human life is so important, because human can not live normally without communicating with other people. But the problem that commonly faced by the teacher in speaking class is so complicated, such as the students who are mostly afraid to speak up. It is so difficult for the teacher to make them speak, the students are not only afraid to speak up but also they do not have much vocabulary to speak. So the teacher has important role in encouraging students to speak.
The role of teacher in the classroom can affect the success of teaching and learning process. According to Diane in Ratna, the teacher facilitates communication in the classroom. In this role, one of the major responsibilities is to establish situations likely to promote  communication.[7] Teachers should play such of different roles in teaching speaking. Harmer states the roles as follow:
a.   Prompter: Students sometimes get lost, cannot think what to say next, or in some other way lose the fluency the teacher expects of them. The teacher can leave them to struggle out of situation on their own, and indeed sometimes this may be the best option. However, the teacher may be able to see the activity progress by offering discrete suggestion.[8]
b.   Participant: Teachers should be good animators when asking students to produce language. Sometimes this can be achieved by setting up an activity clearly and with enthusiasm. At other times, however, teachers may want to participate in discussion or role play themselves. That way they can prompt covertly, introduce new information to help the activity along, ensure continuing students􀂶 engagement, and generally maintain creative atmosphere. However, in such circumstances they have to be careful that they do not participate too much, thus dominating the speaking and drawing all the attention to them.[9]
c.   Feedback provider: When students are in the middle of a speaking activity, over-correction may inhibit them and take the communicativeness out of the activity. On the other hand, helpful and gentle correction may get students out of the mistakes or errors they have made.[10]

4.   The Importance of Speaking
In learning English, speaking is important to support students􀂶 ability to use the language. As one of language skill, speaking has given an important contribution to human work. The important speaking can be seen in people daily activities and business activities. Speaking is an interactive task and it happens under real time processing constraints. It means that they will be able to use words and phrases fluently without very much conscious thought.
As skill that enables people to produce utterances, when genuinely communicative, speaking is desire (and purpose driven), in other words they genuinely want to communicate something to achieve particular end.[11]

5.   Models of Teaching Speaking
Average person who want learn English language, most certainly they have same reason. It is can speak English. So, they learn English language to try speaking English. Usually, failure of learn speaking cause bore situation in the class, unattractive, less fun and silent in the class. There are many models of learning speaking.
According to M. Solahudin in Kiat-Kiat Praktis Belajar Speaking, there are some models of learning speaking as follows:
a.   Main class and study club It is better for meeting with the teacher in the class twice a day. First meeting is called main class and second meeting is called study club. Main class is meeting with the teacher, that the teacher as students􀂶 advisor in the class. The teacher has important character in the class. All activities in the class depend on the teacher. Study club is group of learning, it held to repeat the material study in the class by senior. Because the senior is not teacher, so the students more enjoy make questions and practices speaking with the senior. Activities in the study club are not different with main class, because the reason of study is to explain material learning.[12]
b.   Conversation on the way
Conversation on the way is one of activity in speaking class. The function is to bore disappear in the class. They can share about their daily activity. So, the students feel the conversation more clearly, attractive, and comfortable.[13]28
c.   Discussion group
Discussion group is one of activity in speaking class. Discussion in speaking’s program only talking about easy topic. Because this discussion just to train the students to speak English. The purpose of discussion is to train the students to speak English more clearly.[14]
d.   Describing picture
Describing picture is one of activity in teaching speaking English. In this activity, students must describe pictures in front of class. Every student gets one picture and must describe it. The purposes of this activity are to train students’ imagination and retell story in speaking English.[15]
Those are models that Solahudin offers to use in speaking class, and as the title of this research, the researcher chooses the last model. The researcher thinks that describing picture is suitable to improve students’ speaking skill in descriptive text because the purposes of these activities are to train students􀂶 imagination and describe something in speaking English. Usually, students can􀂶t speak anything because they have not idea. The researcher hopes that picture can help students to speak English, because students will be easier to say when they see. The writer will make this activity more attractive and make students get enjoyable in the class.

2.      Role Play Method
a.   The Definition of Role Play Method
Brown (2001: 183), role-play minimally involves (a) giving a role to one or more members of a group and (b) assigning an objective or purpose that participants must accomplish. He suggests that role-play can conducted with a single person, in pairs or in groups, with each person assigned a role to accomplish an objective.
a)   Be impressed by the strong and long-lasting in the memory of the student. Besides a nice safety net for each other forgotten.
b)  Very attractive to students, allowing classes to be dynamic and enthusiastic.
c)   Evokes passion and a spirit of optimism in students and foster a sense of community and social solidarity is high.
d)  Can live events that take place easily, and have picking grains wisdom contained in it with appreciation of students' own.
e)   It may be possible to enhance the professional skills of students, and to foster / employment opportunities for.
One of the method to be used in teaching the speaking skill is role-playing. Role-play allows students to explore their inner resources, empathize with other, and use their own experiences as scaffolds upon which credible actions. As a result, students can improve their ability to produce the target language, acquire many of its nonverbal nuances, improve the ability to work cooperatively in group situations, and effectively deal with affective issues. Role play has high appeal for students because it allows them to be creative and to put themselves in another person’s place for a while (Richard, 2003: 222). In the method of playing a role, the pressure point located on the emotional involvement and observation senses into a real problem situation faced.
Role playing allows people to make mistakes in a nonthreatening environment. They can test several solutions to very realistic problems, and the application is immediate. It also fulfills some of the very basic principles of the teaching-learning process such as learner involvement and intrinsic motivation. A positive climate often results in which one can see himself as others see him.
The involvement of the role playing participants can create both an emotional and intellectual attachment to the subject matter at hand. If a skillful teacher has accurately matched the problem situation to the needs of his group, the solving of realistic life problems can be expected.
Role playing can often create a sense of community within the class. Although at first it may seem a threatening method, once the class learns to share a mutual confidence and commitment to the learning process, the sharing of analysis over the role situations will develop a camaraderie never possible in monological teaching methods such as the lecture.

1.   Problems in Role Playing
Perhaps the major drawback to teaching by role playing is the insecurity of class members. Some may react negatively to participating in a situation which will be discussed and possibly criticized by other members of the class. And role playing takes time. The class discussion of a five-to-ten-minute role playing situation may extend to several times the length of the situation itself. Sometimes extremely beneficial results may accrue. At other times, because of ineffective performance on the part of the players, or mishandling on the part of an unprepared teacher, the outcome may only be a superficial rehash of what everyone already knows about the problem.
The relationship of the people in the group is a crucial factor in the success of role playing. At times it may emerge as a negative factor. For example, previous interpersonal difficulties experienced by group members may arise in class to corrupt the role playing situation. Also, if the group has people of different status, they may be reluctant to become involved for fear of being humiliated before the members of the class who are smarter or more popular.
These difficulties with the method are formidable, but they are not insurmountable. Nor are they so extensive that they should prohibit us from experimenting with role playing. The potential benefits of the method quickly overbalance the difficulties which seem so apparent in the initial preparation stages.

2.   Principles for Effective Role Playing
As a teaching technique, role playing is based on the philosophy that meanings are in people, not in words or symbols. If that philosophy is accurate, we must first of all share the meanings, then clarify our understandings of each other’s meanings, and finally, if necessary, change our meanings.
In the language of phenomenological psychology, this has to do with changing the self concept. The self concept is best changed through direct involvement in a realistic and life-related problem situation rather than through hearing about such situations from others.
Creating a teaching situation which can lead to the change of self concepts requires a distinct organizational pattern. One helpful structure for role playing follows:
1.   Preparation
a. Define the problem
b. Create a readiness for the role
c. Establish the situation
d. Cast the characters
e. Brief and warm up
f. Consider the training
2.   Playing
a)    Acting
b)    Stopping
c)    Involving the audience
d)    Analyzing the discussion
e)    Evaluating
Although we do not have time to explore each of these in detail, it is important to note that all of them focus on group experiences rather than on unilateral behavior of the teacher. The group should share in the defining of the problem, carrying out the role  playing situation, discussing the results, and evaluating the whole experience.
The teacher must identify the situation clearly so that both the characters and the audience understand the problem at hand. In casting the characters, the wise teacher will try to accept volunteers rather than assign roles. Students must realize that acting ability is not at stake here but rather the spontaneous discharge of how one thinks the character of his role would react in the defined situation.
Players may be instructed publicly so that the audience knows what to expect or privately so that the audience can interpret the meaning of their behavior. Be sure to allow for creativity of the actors within their character roles and do not overstructure the situation.
The discussion and analysis of the role playing situation depends upon how well we involve the audience. Key questions may be asked by the leader and/or buzz groups may be formed. All members of the group (actors and the audience) should participate, and the reactions of the actors may be profitably compared to those of the audience.
The audience is just as much involved in the learning situation as the actors are. In the analysis and discussion time, the audience should provide possible solutions to the realistic problem situations which surface.
It is important to evaluate role playing in the light of the prescribed goals. Categorizing behavior is often overdone and gets in the way of the learning process. Evaluation should proceed on both group and personal levels, raising questions concerning the validity of the original purpose.
Throughout the entire process it will be necessary to deal with certain problems which arise in role playing situations. The backward, silent member must be encouraged to contribute. Create an atmosphere in which he is unafraid to share ideas, confident that no one will laugh at his contributions or harshly criticize his conclusions.
The overbearing monopolizer must be curtailed in the discussion phase of role playing lest he dominate the group and thereby quash the dynamic, Solving this problem may require some personal counseling outside of class. Tension and conflict in the group may not always be bad. Sometimes these elements act as a stimulant to thinking. There is such a thing as “creative tension,” and it is frequently found in a role playing situation as group dynamic emerges.
At the end of the discussion time the group should collectively measure its effectiveness in reaching biblical solutions to the role problem posed at the beginning. The techniques of role playing afford another approach to involving students in their own learning process toward the clarification of self concepts, evaluation of behavior, and aligning of that behavior with reality.

B.  Conceptual Framework
It’s how a role play method can lead to an improvement of students speaking ability. A discussion that works is primarily one in which students say as much as possible. A discussion gives students chances to rehearse their speaking ability as much as possible. Underlining that language is a habit, speaking needs to be rehearsed as often as possible and to be used in real communication as natural as possible.
The physical focus of the discussion is close and directed towards the individual student; that is to say, whoever is speaking is only a small distance away, clearly audible, facing the others and addressing them personally. As it is stated before, and the writer would like to emphasize more, a collection of students in a classroom itself is actually referred to as a group.
One of the important components of learning is the opportunity for active practice and feedback. As classes get larger and larger, the avaibility of such opportunities grows less and less. So, role play method it is to overcome such problems or situations. It gives students opportunities to speaking ability more. That is the way role play method goes in its trial of improving students’ speaking ability.

C.  Hypothesis

Based on the previous discussion on the background for this study, the hypothesis is formulated as following : There is Effect Of Role Play Method On The Students’ Speaking Mastery Of The  2013/2014 Eight Year Students Of Smp Swasta Al Hidayah Bukit Sari Kec. Padang Tualang.



A.    Time and Location

The study will be conducted December 2013 at the SMP Swasta Al Hidayah Bukit Sari . The reason for choosing the school was that the students in the school also learned speaking ability as a part of their English curriculum.


B.     Research Design

The study will be intended to find out the effect of role play method to their speaking ability scores. However, further finding should be explored in order to determine whether or not they were interested in the material selections and the teaching strategies. For this purpose, then, descriptive statistical analysis was applied. In this case, the sample’s responses were calculated to find out the dominant responses representative.

C.  Population and Sample

The population of the present study is the eigth year students of SMP Swasta Al Hidayah Bukit Sari  which consists of 80 students in two classrooms. Therefore, in terms of accessibility of the data collection, then the 40 students will take as the sample by using stratified sampling.

D.    Variable of The Study
The variable of this study consist of two variable, namely dependent variable and independent variable. Dependent variable is speaking ability, that is the mental process by which readers take the words encoded by writer and use them to construct an interpretation of what they think the writer intended to convoy. And then the independent variable is role play method.

E. Instrument for Collecting Data
There is instrument for collecting the data in the present study, namely  speaking ability test. This test was in the form of multiple-choice test which consisted of 25 items. For the purpose of content validity, then the items were taken from their speaking textbooks used in the classrooms for first semester. Then, for the purpose of reliability measurement, KR 20 formula was used. The formula is shown below:
n - 1  S2x 
 r xx =    n S2x   - å p. q

S2x             = Variance of the scores
N         = Number of items of the test
å p. q = The proportion of p . q

E. Techniques for Analyzing the Data
In this researches, the writher prepared a test as the technique for collecting the data. These studies are used by multiple choice test to measure of speaking ability and to know the deeper knowledge in having. Speaking ability using multiple choices test that consisted of 25 items. Every items will give one  point, and score ranking from 0 – 100 was  determined by counting the correct and applying  the formula.
Which        S = Score of the tests              R = Number of the point value
                        N = Number of items
            In order to know the effect of role play method to speaking ability, the data calculated by using t-test as follows:
X     is the mean score of experimental group.
Y    is the mean score of control group.
                        X2   is the square of students’ deviation scores,
           Y2    is the square of students’ deviation scores, of control    group,
N    is the number of sample
E      is the sum of…[16]   

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[1] David Nunan, Guralnik, Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for Teachers, (NY: Phoenix Ltd., 1995), p. 593
[2] Oxford University Press, Oxford Learner􀂶s Pocket Dictionary, (New York: Pindar Graphies Origination Scarborough, 1995), p. 403.
[3] David Nunan, Guralnik, loc. cit., p. 39. .
[4] Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Speaking, (Longman, Pearson education limited 2005), p. 1
[5] Jack C. Richards, New Ways in Teaching Speaking, (USA: Pantagraph Printing, Bloomington, Illinois, 1994), p. 1.
[6] Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited, 2001), 3rd Ed, p. 271
[7] Ratna Irtatik, The Use of Role Play to Improve Students􀂶 Transactional Skill (A Classroom Action Research with 8th Grade Students of MTs Miftahul Ulum Klego Boyolali in the Academic Year of 2008/2009), (Semarang: IAIN, 2009), p. 11
[8] Jeremy Harmer, op. cit., p. 275-276.
[9] Ibid., p. 276.
[10] Ibid., p. 276.
[11] Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Method in ELT ; A Teacher􀂶s Guide, (UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1993), p. 134.
[12] M. Solahudin, Kiat-Kiat Praktis Belajar Speaking, (Jogjakarta: Diva Press, 2009), p.66.
[13] Ibid., p. 88.
[14] Ibid., p. 92-93.
[15] Ibid., p. 99.
[16] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan. Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

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